Inclement Weather Procedures
Safety First
The primary criteria we consider when making a decision to close our schools includes the following:
- The safety and well-being of students and staff
- The severity of the weather (extreme cold, ice, flooding, etc.)
- The timing of weather (afternoon, overnight, weekend, etc.)
- The ability for buses, cars, and walkers to travel safely
We continually monitor the forecast from the National Weather Service, and the Superintendent and Transportation Director communicate with numerous administrators in order to make the best decision for students, staff and families. Staff members work throughout the evening and early morning each severe weather day to ensure that buses will run on or near schedule, parking lots and walkways are cleared, and that students will be safe. Transportation staff members work closely with the director and superintendent to ensure the buses are ready for cold weather situations.
Making the Decision
The Superintendent and Transportation Director will assess the safety of the roads in the Chelsea School District and monitor the weather report and Doppler Radar. Consultation with other Washtenaw and Jackson County Superintendents and Transportation Directors will be sought. Once all information is gathered, the Superintendent will make the final decision and communicate it to families and staff.
Notifying Families
In the event that school is canceled due to severe weather, the Chelsea School District will make every attempt to notify families as soon as possible.
Full-day school closure decisions will be made no later than 10 p.m. the day before or 5:30 a.m. the day of, if conditions have become more hazardous than expected overnight.
After-school and evening cancellation decisions affecting after-school activities, sports, evening performances and field trips will be made by 2:00 p.m. that day.
We notify families and stakeholders via:
- Automated phone calls and emails
- Transportation hotline - 734-433-2200, option 8
- The CSD website and individual school/department websites (Community Education, Athletics)
- Mass media, including TV and radio
- Social media (Twitter)
Parents can help by making sure their contact information, as well as emergency contact information, is regularly updated with their child’s school.
School is not canceled – Families should assume that classes are in session unless otherwise notified.
After-school activities are cancelled – When conditions become severe during the day, the Chelsea School District may cancel after-school activities. Every effort will be made to have notifications out by 2:00 p.m.
- All after-school field trips and after-school student activities and events will be canceled unless specifically stated.
- Athletic events will be canceled unless specifically stated.
- Community Education and Adult Education events and classes will be canceled unless specifically stated.
- Adult meetings and programs will remain open unless specifically stated.
- Outside events that have obtained permits to operate within the Chelsea School District facilities will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Late start or early dismissal – These options are only used during emergencies because they have significant impact on transportation and child care. We will notify families as early as possible.
School is cancelled – The Chelsea School District may cancel school based on weather or travel conditions.
- Cancellation is for all student classes pre-K-12, as well as early childhood programs
- All after-school field trips and after-school student activities and events will be canceled unless specifically stated
- All student-based events sponsored by the Chelsea School District or its schools will be canceled unless specifically stated
- Gretchen’s House before- and after-school child care will be canceled
- Athletic events will be canceled unless specifically stated
- Community Education and Adult Education events and classes will be canceled unless specifically stated
- Outside events that have obtained permits to operate within the Chelsea School District facilities will be canceled unless specifically stated
Cancellation Types
Cold Day
The Chelsea School District may cancel classes if the wind chill forecast for 6:30 a.m. the following day is -20° F or colder, with winds of at least 5 - 10 miles per hour.
Snow/Ice Day
The Chelsea School District will cancel classes if road conditions are such that travel becomes too hazardous for buses and cars. in addition, the district will consider canceling.class if travel delays become so great that staff cannot reach the buildings in order to teach students or if students will be out at bus stops for an excessive amount of time.
Night Before - Although unlikely, cancellations the night before school may occur if conditions warrant. In the event that a cancellation is made the night before a school day, the Superintendent will contact the Operations Director and begin the communication process with administration, staff and families.
Morning Of - If weather conditions become questionable overnight, the Transportation Director and Superintendent will begin driving the high priority areas at 3:00 a.m. to determine road safety. Communication with other Superintendents and Transportation Directors will commence. A decision will be made by 5:00 a.m. and every effort will be made to communicate this with all stakeholders by 5:30 a.m.
Communication with Media (TV and Radio) - The Transportation Director will call the media to activate a notification via radio and television news stations.
Websites and Staff and Administrator Notification - The Superintendent will send a School Messenger phone call and email to administrators and staff. In addition, the technology director will post the closing on our district website and administrators will post on their building websites.
Social Media - Building Administrators will send out a message via Twitter, etc... to notify users of a cancellation as soon as they receive notification.
Voicemail Update for Transportation - Transportation Director or designee will update the message on the transportation department voicemail to indicate a school closure.
Communication with Chelsea School District Families - The Superintendent will initiate a School Messenger to notify all Chelsea School District Families of a closure via phone and email.
After School Activities - The Superintendent will notify administrators (Principals, Transportation Director, Operations, Athletics, Community Education) with a decision on after-school cancellations by 2:00 p.m. the day of a closure. Administrators will communicate these decisions to those impacted by a closure.
On Campus Snow Removal - The Director of Operations will work with his crew to determine a plowing schedule by the end of October. All entryways will be plowed and salted prior to the arrival of students and staff during the winter season.