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Multilingual Learners

Chelsea School District serves its population of English Learners with various instructional supports in order to improve their English skills and be able to participate fully in their academic and social experiences in our schools and community. 

Basic Terminology:
ESL = English as a Second Language (this is the class)
ML = Multilingual Learner (the person)
MLC = Multilingual Coach (the instructor)

Assessment of ELs:
The WIDA ACCESS for MLs Michigan's state-wide, standardized test that assesses the progress of English language learners on an annual basis. Every ML student in grades K-12 in the ML Program participates in the WIDA ACCESS for MLs.

Andrea Franco

Chelsea High School Assistant Principal, District Multilingual Learner and Equity Coordinator
Chelsea High School

Shawn Sinacola

Multilingual Learner Coordinator and Coach (Y5 - Grade 12)
Chelsea High School