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Reproductive Health

Reproductive health and sexual education curriculum is guided by state law and guidelines, Chelsea Board of Education policy (2418), and our local Reproductive Health Advisory Committee (also known as as Sex Education Advisory Board).  The Reproductive Health Advisory Committee is comprised of district staff, parents, students, and community members and is co-chaired by a district staff member and a parent.  Current RHAC co-chairs are Michelle Hilla and Reiley Curran  The committee is tasked with the following:

  • Establish program goals and objectives for student knowledge and skills that are likely to reduce the rates of sex, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Review the materials and methods of instruction used and make recommendations to the Board of the School District for implementation.  
  • Evaluate, measure. and report the attainment of program goals and objectives

Reproductive health/sexual education curriculum must go through a public hearing process on its way to adoption.  Current curriculum methods and materials have undergone this process previously.  Before adopting any revisions, public hearings must be held.