School Board - General Information
The Chelsea School District Board of Education welcomes you to its meetings. All meetings are open to the public so that citizens may have the benefit of observing Board business. All formal action by the Board of Education takes place during the public meetings. Closed sessions may be held to discuss some personnel matters, the purchase or sale of property for competitive bidding, disputes involving court action, negotiations with employees, and certain disciplinary matters.
We appreciate your interest in your schools and hope that you will plan to attend meetings of the Board of Education. We believe community participation is essential to maintain excellent educational programs for the students of our District. A copy of the meeting's agenda is available near the meeting room entrance. We encourage you to express your views on subjects related to our schools. Comments are welcome during the times designated in each Board agenda.
Agendas and Minutes Board Policies Statement of Equity Meeting Schedule Stream Past Board Meetings
Board of Education
Kate Henson
Term Expires: 2028
Committees: Policy, Personnel, City of Chelsea, WASB/MASB/LRN
Erin Hunt-Carter
Term Expires: 2030
Committees: Negotiations, Curriculum, Reproductive Health
Michelle Craig
Term Expires: 2028
Committees: Finance, Personnel, Reproductive Health, Bond